A linguistic system is a series of different sounds combined with a series of different ideas.
Ferdinand de Saussare (1857-1913), Swiss linguist
Chapter 18 -- The “ ing” form of verbs
Similar to English, the “ ing” form of a verb, called the gerund, is formed by taking the stem of a verb, and adding an ending.
An example from English is the verb to verb “walk”, we just add “ ing” to form “walking”.
A similar process occurs in Spanish, namely that certain endings are added to the verb stems.
In Group 1, the ending -ando is added to the stem of the infinitive.
examples: cantar: cant + ando = cantando formar: form + ando = formando
Fortunately, group 1, which is the largest of the verb groups, has no irregularities.
In Groups 2 and 3 , the ending -iendo is added to the stem.
examples: comer: com + iendo = comiendo vivir: viv + iendo = viviendo
In group 2, there is only one irregularity, which the verb poder, having the form pudiendo.
In Groups 2 and 3, if the infinitive ends in a double vowel ( such as caer, creer, fluir, traer, and so on), the ending -yendo is used.
Thus, cayendo, creyendo, fluyendo, trayendo, and so forth.
In group 3, When the vowel "e" occurs before the group ending, that vowel is changed to "i".
model verb = consentir, to consent: consintiendo like consentir:
acomedirse, to settle |
despedir, to fire a person |
preferir, to prefer |
adherir, to adhere |
desvestir, to undress |
presentir, to presage |
advertir, to advertise |
diferir, to differ, disagree |
preterir, to leave out |
arrepentir, to repent |
digerir, to digest |
proferir, to profer |
arrepentirse, to rue, regret |
disentir, to disent |
referir, to refer |
asentir, to assent, agree |
divertir, to enjoy |
rendir, to yield, to rend |
comedirse, to eat up |
herir to hurt |
rendirse, to surrender |
concernir, to concern |
hervir, to boil |
requerir, to require |
conferir, to confer, award |
inferir, to infer |
revestir, to coat |
consentir, to consent, allow |
ingerir, to ingest |
sentir, to regret, to feel sorry |
controvertir, to dispute |
invertir, to invert |
sentirse, to feel well or ill |
convertir, to convert |
mentir, to lie, to tell a falsehood |
sugerir, to suggest |
deferir, to defer |
pervertir, to pervert |
transferir, to transfer |
desmentir, to deny |
preconcebir, to preconceive |
decir, to say, to tell: diciendo like decir
bendecir, to bless |
contradecir, to contradict |
desdecir, to disagree |
interdecir, to forbid |
maldecir, to curse |
predecir, to predict |
dormir, to sleep: durmiendo like dormir
dormirse, to fall asleep morir, to die (thing or animal) morirse, to die (a person)
ir, to go: yendo
pedir, to ask a favor or a price: pidiendo like pedir
ceñir, to encircle |
competir, to compete |
concebir, to conceive |
derretir, to melt |
despedir, to fire a person |
embestir, to assault, attack |
expedir, to send off |
gemir, to groan |
heñir, to knead |
impedir, to impede |
medir, to measure |
rendir, to yield |
rendirse, to surrender |
revestir, to cover |
revestirse, to face someone |
reñir, to quarrel |
repetir, to repeat |
servir, to serve |
teñir, to tint, dye |
vestir, to dress |
vestirse, to dress oneself |
reírse, to laugh: riendo like reír
freír, to fry refreír, to refry sonreír, to smile
venir, to come: viniendo like venir:
circunvenir, to circumvent |
convenir, to convene |
intervenir, to intervene |
prevenir, to prevent |
reconvenir, to reconvene |
revenirse, to change one’s mind |
The “ ing” form is used with the verb estar (to be), and with verbs of motion to stress that an activity is, was, or will be in progress.
Some examples follow.
The surprises just keep coming. Las sorpresas siguen viniendo .
The children are playing. Los niños están jugando .
She left crying. Ella salió llorando.
Please, keep reading. Por favor, siga leyendo.
They will continue studying. Ellos continuarán estudiando.
In English,it is common to use gerunds as the names of things, especially in reference to activities. We say “Bowling is fun. Fishing is restful. Swimming is good exercise.” and so on.
The Spanish equivalent is the article “el” plus an infinitive.
example: Swimming is good exercise. El nadar es buen ejercicio.
Another difference is the usage after prepositions. Some examples follow.
She entered without saying anything. Ella entró sin decir nada.
We talked instead of playing tennis. Hablamos en vez de jugar tenis.
Upon winning the race, the team cheered. Al ganar la carrera, el equipo vitoreó .
In English, gerunds are often used to describe things (“a winding road”), but this usage does not occur in Spanish. The Spanish form in such cases will be an adjective.
This book is available from lulu.com under item number 3352644. Books purchased from Lulu are accompanied by a complete list of irregular verbs and all of their forms.
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